oem munufacturing service
optowide fabricates most of micro optics and do the coating in house and we have highly experienced team for manufacturing services.we are vertically intergrated manufacturer providing the most effective oem/odm manufacturing sevices for our customer. when you need a manufacturing partner in china,please discuss with our management for any one of the following services from us:
contact manufacturing according to customer‘s design in our production line.
contact production line:reserve specific production line for manufacturing oem products only ,it is the dedicated line for easy ip protection managment.
joint investing production :joint invest to bulid production line for oem customer according to its demand,we invest the facility and some equipment with our customer and mangage the production line jointly ,our customer just needs to transfer the manufacturing processes ,quality system and we do all daliy operation ,just like you manufacturing company in china but we do most of company management for you!
optowide advantages:
in-house components supply
highly experienced for manufacturing services :team bulid up ,processes transfer,quality system implement, ip protection
ready clean room facility
low cost manufacturing in east china